Round the Bend

A scruffy piece of land with shrubs reaching over the footpath.  Situated near to where to two of our stalwarts live (and named after them), they felt it was an opportunity not to be missed!  The vision was to raise the spirits of parents and children on their way to and from the local schools by providing colour on a rather uninspiring corner.


After several weeks, ten huge roots were eliminated and work started on removing the mares tails (impossible to finish) to provide as clear an area as possible. Now ready, the Thursday crew were enlisted to add top soil and plant donated tulip and daffodil bulbs, lavender, rosemary, teasels and other varieties. Wildflower seeds were then added. A friendly neighbour gave us access to water during the 2018 drought.


As expected, a fine display of tulips and daffodils and then red campion appeared before they were thinned out to make space for the other wildflowers. With space to flourish, herbs, garden plants and wildflowers provide a magical display.  The row of rosemary in front of the fence is establishing well.  There is thyme and lavender in front of that and some sage which will hopefully flourish over the next few months.  Chives and marigolds complete the display.

Our aim is to maintain the area, attract bees and other pollinators and inspire people to improve their own gardens across the area.  Together with the ‘Totally Sane’ garden across the road, the area is looking brighter already.

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