A Wittering Supplementary

Since Monday’s Witterings were written, the Government has published its latest advice for England which makes it clear that as from today (Wednesday 13th May), we can exercise for as long as we wish and meet one person from another household (providing we maintain social distancing).  It will therefore be appropriate for those who wish to return as Lone Rangers or Secret Gardeners to do so but Thursday/Sunday sessions will remain on hold for the foreseeable future.  Please use your own equipment, don’t share with anyone else and wear gloves.

If you are a member of the Thursday Crew or a regular gardening volunteer  and are itching to get out and do some gardening for Civic Pride Rossendale, then why not adopt one of the Thursday Crew Gardens and become an honorary Secret Gardener for a while!   We are looking for volunteers to take over the care of one of the gardens that we usually look after as a group on Thursday.  Weeding and general tidying will be the order of the day, to give the garden a bit of much needed TLC and the work can be shared with another volunteer, as long as social distance is observed.

If you are already a Secret Gardener, please let Anne know whether you will be working on your CPR Secret Garden in the short term.  This will help us plan for keeping your garden ticking along over the coming weeks.  Anne is available via email or telephone to discuss your next steps so please contact her on [email protected] or 01706 551 123.

Lone Rangers may prefer to choose areas with less footfall but regardless of what you are doing, if you’re approached by a member of the public, ask them firmly but politely to maintain social distancing.  It would be easy to think that we’re now over the worst but …”the covid-19 hospital admission rate in the North West is falling far more slowly than elsewhere, and has been higher than all other NHS regions for nearly three weeks.” Source:  HSJ 12th May.

If you are intending to get out there please follow ALL the Government guidelines for the safety of everybody.  If neither litter picking or gardening appeal, the Himalayan Balsam is starting to sprout in the Peaceful Plot, so that might be a nice alternative.

If you don’t feel comfortable about returning just yet or are in the shielded category, please stay at home, there’s no stigma in doing so.  The message from the Government is still to stay at home as much as possible.

We will continue to follow Government guidelines and notify you of any further changes as necessary.

Stay safe.
